Disney Stays the Same
Disney Stays the Same
When talking about vacations I’m often hit with the same question, “Aren’t you tired of going to Disney yet?” Well incase you didn’t t know me the answer is NO. We are a Disney family through and through and completely love that fact. But as much as I tell people that it still seems as a shock or weird to people when we talk about how often we go.
Recently I had a conversation with a friend (Hey Dustin!), whom we just went on a Disney cruise with. He asked me the same question I have gotten many times before, “When are you going go somewhere else?” Normally the conversation ends there with them shaking their head, but this one went one step further. His next comment was “nothing changes”. His claim is that Disney is basically the same every time and nothing changes. This comment really stuck with me. Not because it was so profound, but because I realized he was right. Disney doesn’t change, it is the same. Sure they may add a new attraction or restaurant every few years but for the most part it is the same place my parents took me when I was 10. I rode Big Thunder Mountain and Peter Pan with them just as I do now with my kids. Vividly I can remember the Tea Cups, walking through Cinderella’s Castle. I remember being blown away by the Haunted Mansion and still to this day it’s a must do for me. When I walk to through the gates I am reminded of all the sights, sounds, and amazement that I experienced as a child and I love that fact. In a world where every thing changes Disney is constant, the same. It is always there when you need it and you know exactly what to expect.
When I book a Disney vacation I know exactly what I am getting into. What fast passes I want and where I want to eat. I know exactly what rides I will hit first and the shortest fastest routes to get around the park. I even know on most of the rides the exact part where my picture will be taken so I can make a crazy face and the kids will laugh when they see it. But yet even still I find myself surprised and even amazed at all Disney does to make each trip seem even more magical than the one before it. When I book a Disney vacation I also know what I am doing it for. I am not much of a ride person but If I was I may think a little differently about it. For me I don’t book Disney for the rides, I book it for the Disney. I book it for the details that only Disney can deliver. For smell of Main Street, and first glimpse of Cinderella’s Castle. I book it for a Casey’s hotdog and a Mickey bar. The corny Jungle Cruise jokes and Teacups with the kids (I love to make them go cross eyed). I book it for Hidden Mickeys and the words “!Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas”. For a Margarita and a stroll around the World Showcase. I book it for the way Disney can not only tell a story but invites you to be a part of it. For the fireworks show and how for 15 minutes the whole world seems right. I book it for the Magic.
I have been told that I am spoiling my kids by taking them so much. They will no longer appreciate it or will no longer be impressed by the magic. While they may not do as many backflips as they used to when they see Mickey or Donald walking around the park the Magic still continues for us all. The magic continues because we are a Disney family doing what we love. While we are there we don’t have to explain anything to anyone. We are mostly there for the same reasons, because we all book it for the Disney.
To book your Walt Disney World Vacation contact one of the amazing travel professionals at 101 Dream Vacations.
Nick Poche’
Avid Disney fan, husband to Tiffany, father of three, Brock, Bailey, and Brennan. Lover of travel and blogger for the We Dream of Disney and Beyond Blog.