Dedicated travel agents well versed in Disney Vacations, cruises, international travel, all-inclusives and many other destinations.


BethAnn Hefner

3-2-1 Magic Planner

Hi! I am BethAnn and I’m from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am married to Tim and we have 2  kids, Josh and Abby. We love to travel as a family to Disney, various beaches, and local cities to check out zoos and museums. Tim and I vacation by ourselves as well so we can have time together and let other people take care of us! My kids are very active; Josh plays baseball for the Miracle League of Southwestern PA and Abby takes pre-professional dance classes.  In addition to being a busy mom, I’ve been a middle school special education teacher for 18 years. I don’t feel like I’ve been around that long but when I bump into former students and their kids, it’s a reality check!

On the night Josh was born, we found out that he had something extra; he has Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a big part of our lives and impacts a lot of what we do as a family. I understand how parents feel when planning trips for their kids with special needs and the worry that they feel. I want to help all families book their Disney trips without worry and make their magic happen. I have tips and tricks to make planning and vacationing easy so you can focus on the memories. I can’t wait to book your trip!

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